Wednesday, 30 March 2011

June 12th 2011

Put the date in you calendar because the Holes are coming to CANADA! That's booked...application in...just need the little mans Canadian passport and here we come! Its crazy that we are finally moving! So much to do but all the stressful parts are done with so hopefully smooooth sailing from here on in! We'll be staying with my dearest mother in Taber until Glenns application is approved so we are looking forward to playing in Southern Alberta this summer (cornfest here we come!!!) Euan has been practising his Canadian...
I think he's getting pretty good!

Monday, 14 March 2011


(This post is for you Shauna!)
 Its been getting nicer and nicer out and we've been loving the sunny weather! Spring has officially sprung! We've heard of the less fortunate Canadians who are still snowbound in some places so this post is for you! Here is you're very own little taste of spring :)

This first picture is of our backyard, these lovely little shoots are the bluebells that pop up every year. Not quite out yet but nearly!
Daffodils line the roadsides in spring, so why not have some in your house!
(no I didn't steal these from the road.......promise....)
These tulips were just calling out to me the other day...Deanna...take us home...
It was actually because Euan couldn't stop staring at them in the grocery store so technically he picked them out.
This little beauty was given to me for Valentines day. Its just begging to be sniffed! 
Even the cows are out enjoying spring! 
(Mr Bubbs looking oh so cute in his cowprint jammies)

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Swings and Teeth

Yay! Mr Euan has two spankin new teeth! I was actually surprised they came through so easily! He was only a bit more clingy than usual, drooled a lot and then there they were! I'm hoping they all come through like that but am not getting my hopes up.
We had a couple nice sunny days this past week so me and Euan went on a date to the park. He got his first swing on a swing and loved it :) It was still a bit chilly but he didn't seem to mind. We tried to soak up as much sun as possible before it starts raining again. It was our first taste of spring and we looooved it. Our bluebells in the garden are starting to come up and the robins are out in full force. I'm just hoping the robin that used to stalk me in our garden has found another home this year, I'm not crazy about birds and he would get a little to close for comfort.... 
Now what you've all been waiting for! Picture overload!!!
Excited to go on our date!
Just cute...
I like this one!
Lovin' it.

Getting bored.
I love those cheeks!
Soakin up the rays!
Bundled up ready to go for a walk!
Dreaded robin...he's not the stalker but looks very similar...the resemblance is uncanny...