Wednesday, 16 October 2013


It's been a while.
An embarrassing amount of time has gone by. I contemplated getting rid of this blog all together, but decided that I kind of liked looking back at old posts.
So, if for no one else but myself. Let's do this!

That being said, there is way to much that has happened since I last posted that one post wouldn't be enough.
Important things, like birthing a baby etc. etc.

So I'll summarize.

I had a baby! (Ok this news might just need it's own post...but for now)
She is the happiest baby around for the most part.
She has a hard time sleeping, which can make life difficult, but ohhhhh man is she cute!
Like soul meltingly cute.

Euan turned 3.
He is still as handsome and charming as ever, and equally devastating when he wants to be. (Think blood curdling screams)
He has the attitude of a 16 year old. No lie.
Loves to help out, but only on his terms.
Loves his baby sister but kind of doesn't at the same time.

We moved!
Glenn got a job in a different city and off we went! It's a smaller city and so far we are loving it. We only had two weeks to make the move, which made life just a tad stressful for a while.
Glenn is liking the new job and we are enjoying being closer to family.

Oh, what can we say about Huck......he's still here.
He is Euan's partner in crime.
We got him neutered and he went a bit trippy for a while. I mean ca-razy...
Thankfully it didn't last long and he's back to his slightly less crazy self.

The fish didn't die in the move. I don't know how I feel about that.

We had an amazing holiday visiting my mom and John in Arizona in September. It was a perfect break after a pretty stressful start to the summer.

So that is a very, very short summary of our year. I might go in to more detail and put up pictures...then again I may not. You'll just have to be surprised if it happens.

I will put some up from this last weekend though!
It was Canadian Thanksgiving! My brothers little family came down. It was nice to see everyone and stuff our faces.

 Lovin' some fall foliage. 
 He was soooo tired, but determined.
 In little boy heaven.
 What he does when I ask him to pose for the camera.
 Little ham.
 Seriously! A tractor! Up close!
 Checkin' it out.
 The boys.
 This kid loves dogs.
 Cousin fun!
 I just can't....I want to eat him!
 He was having a meltdown and didn't want his picture taken...
 So I followed him...taking his picture....pretty sure I get a mom award right there.
 Checking on the cows.
 Pine cone. He's obsessed with them. No idea.
So pretty!!

So there ya go! 
I'm back!
I think.....


  1. What, what?!! LOVE IT!
    Euan looks so much like glenn when he wears a vest!
    And um can i say hooray your back! look how little euan is in some of your old posts.

    1. Yep! I'm baaaack! And little sized Euan is why I started up again. I love looking back and seeing what they were up too :)
