Thursday, 15 March 2012


So I joined "Pinterest".
I put it off for a while because I already spend too much time on the computer but I've found Pinterest to be the least time consuming so far.
Don't get me wrong you could spend hours on there, but I usually just skim over the people I'm following and snag their lucky finds.
The most useful thing is the food ideas.
I always despair when it comes to making the weekly meal plan.
I've made a couple of the tasty delights I've found (unfortunately the first is not so healthy...)
So far they have all turned out pretty amazing.
So I will share one or two of our favourites.

Cheesy Garlic Bread
These are purely delightful.
The recipe makes two of these bad boys and I thought "oh we'll only eat one"
Uh uh.
You'll find the recipe HERE
You can also use this recipe for just plain old pizza and top it with whatever you fancy.
I made a marinara sauce to dip ours in and it went just perfectly!
They are not the healthiest so we are trying to put off having it too often.
To be honest I could eat it all day every day!

Broccoli & Beef
This was pretty easy to make and is super tasty.
Only problem is there are a couple things in the ingredients list that you probably won't have to hand unless you are Chinese food buff.
They were all really easy to find though and weren't very expensive.
Pretty sure they will all last pretty long to, or you could make it every day for a couple weeks........
Recipe found HERE
Oh and I forgot to start the rice until after the beef and broccoli was done so the sauce had evaporated quite a bit by the time it was all ready soooo DON'T FORGET THE RICE!! (unless you don't like rice, than feel would probably taste pretty good on some noodles)

On a side note...IN YOUR FACE GLENN! A whole post about nothing to do with Euan! HA!
(Glenn told me to do branch out from the typical kid posts....I asked him if he thought the baby was ugly...apparently its not the point)

Coming entire post about how cute my kid is in his new gorilla pajamas...I'm not will be epic.

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