So fast forward to a couple months later, me and Euan were taking a trip to Michaels to get some crafty supplies and it just happened to be next to the pet store. I couldn't let the fish tank go to waste... so this is how Sushi made it into our lives. This little Betta has some spunk! It is way better than a goldfish because it reacts when you come close to the tank, so all Euan has to do is point his pudgy finger at that little fish and he swims around and around, much to Euans delight. Euan can even say his name!(ok he says shoe-si or just shoes...but it's close enough)
So without further ado!
I could watch this fish swim around for ages, his tail is unreal...and his tank is bigger than it looks in this picture...
And in case fish aren't your thing...a couple of pictures of the boy.
Stuuuuuuud Muffin!
Dang paparazzi...
Boy on a mission...
*side note...Euan received some hand-me-down crocs and because he can put them on himself he wears them a lot...I'm not a fan but I've succumb to the convenience, someone needs to invent an equally comfortable shoe that is more attractive.*
Sushi is on suicide watch.