Sunday, 27 May 2012

Holiday Part 5

We went to Drumheller because that's what you do when you are trying to entertain guests. Really the Royal Tyrrell Museum is where its at. So there is a bit of explaining to do concerning our pictures of this event....
So the museum is awesome, lot's of really cool dinosaur bones and exhibits..........but it does get a bit boring if you aren't totally into bones. So since Glenn's mum was watching Euan, me and Glenn got creative while capturing the many wonders we beheld. Don't judge. Some things just have to be done. 
 So it starts out ok....classic bones shot.
 The boy listening to some riveting facts about dinosaurs.
 More bones...
 And this is where it gets silly....
 Even Glenns Uncle got in on the fun.
 And here is the money shot.
 This guy is just cute.
 The boy ready to go home.
The Hole's sure know how to have fun.......

1 comment:

  1. I think you should consider modelling as a career - hot mama! :)
