Wow, I think this has to be a record! Two posts in under three months! Whoever reads this blog is seriously lucky! Actually I don't really have much to say, just a couple pictures of the little man for all the folks back home who can't partake of his greatness in person. He hasn't made any amazing baby breakthroughs since his last update. He is steadily gaining poundage, chubby little guy. He rolled from front to back once, purely by accident and hasn't done it since. He peed on the carpet twice during bum airing time, seriously got some great distance as well, luckily I'm a fast mover and got out of the way in time. And other than that not much else is new....check out this hotty though, he is just asking to be smooshed.
Oh so serious....
Oh so happy!......
Oh so excited!!!!!!!!
Deanna, he is SO cute!