Friday, 19 November 2010

Foxes and Dogs and Babies...Oh my!

So the excitement for the day was a sneaky fox in my garden, he was very handsome but had a bad back leg...poor guy...he still managed to leap our garden wall though so I suppose it wasn't too bad.

As for the dog....anyone want to give mine a haircut? He has grown very shaggy and I can't be bothered to cut it! I suppose its keeping him warm, and it makes him look like a cuddly teddy bear :)

And finally the baby! He is growing up too fast! Still very cute, but I am biased :) He had his shots this week and was definitely not impressed! She did the right leg and he let out a howl, as soon as it was out he was fine, then the nasty nurse went and stabbed his poor left leg. He howled again but was fine as soon it was out again. He was a bit grumpy that evening but other than that he's been fine. I wasn't a big fan of having to hold his leg while she did it though... I HATE NEEDLES! Glenn is going to have to take him next time, I thought I was going to pass out and she wasn't even stabbing me! Who is the baby you ask...? And now a couple pictures of the little guy...

Monday, 8 November 2010

Lucky you.....

Wow, I think this has to be a record! Two posts in under three months! Whoever reads this blog is seriously lucky! Actually I don't really have much to say, just a couple pictures of the little man for all the folks back home who can't partake of his greatness in person. He hasn't made any amazing baby breakthroughs since his last update. He is steadily gaining poundage, chubby little guy. He rolled from front to back once, purely by accident and hasn't done it since. He peed on the carpet twice during bum airing time, seriously got some great distance as well, luckily I'm a fast mover and got out of the way in time. And other than that not much else is new....check out this hotty though, he is just asking to be smooshed.
 Oh so serious....
 Oh so happy!......
Oh so excited!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


So I guess this isn't really an update since this is the first time I've mentioned our new little man on here, it's more of an announcement with updated-ness. So Euan Glenn Hole arrived on the 8th of September 2010 (8/9/10) pretty cool birthday if you ask me, I totally planned it that way ;) I won't go into the gritty labour one wants to hear that! He was 8lb 7oz of chubby baby with a sprinkling of dark hair (hehe makes him sound like a donut) the first few weeks were...interesting. He didn't really sleep at night, his idea of a good time was staying up from 11pm til 6am(screaming) lets just say are hearts weren't filled with too much love and joy at this point :) My Mama came to visit for a week and helped out with his crazy antics and then the night Glenn was heading back to work Euan decided sleeping at night is cool. Hallelujah! (lucky Glenn) Since that miraculous night he now wakes up only once or twice to eat a snack then he's straight back to sleep. I'm sure someday soon he will decide night time is a fun time to be up but until then we are enjoying our nearly full nights sleep! 
He is now 8 weeks old, 12 lbs of chunk and growing out of his clothes faster than I can buy them! We are looking forward to when we move to Canada and he can commandeer some clothes from his cousin! He is a pretty happy baby most of the time, his only grumpy spells are when he eats to fast and gets a bad tummy. He loves to smile and give his version of a giggle. He likes to watch the dog and play on his play mat. He's not to keen on tummy time but we're getting there. He is a little stud muffin and we love him! 
So other than taking care of Euanator and getting ready to move back to Canada!!!!!(by April hopefully!!!!) Not much else is new! 
So without further ado.....let the pictures commence! Just a few to wet your appetites!