Thursday, 26 April 2012

Glimpse of summer....

Earlier in the week we had some amazing weather. At one point it was about 26 degrees!! We spent our time outside blowing bubbles, sidewalk chalk-ing, playing in the water, roaming the park, visiting friends and putting our zoo pass to good use. I think having a toddler in the summer will keep us plenty busy! 

 (this is strawberry juice in case you're wondering...nothing like strawberries on a hot day!)
(can't get them in fast enough)


Go check out this giveaway! 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

19 Months

he never stops...
doesn't get much cuter in my opinion
this is the bane of our existence sometimes
he kisses books...stuffed animals...the phone...he is all about the make out
he cuddles when he thinks your sad, or just because, I melt every time
New words.
car, horse, ball, cracker, pig, toes, ears, eyes, hat, socks, shoes, boots...there are more but I can't remember
L.O.V.E.S. them, any animal, especially farm animals. 
loves to dance and does the funniest things all the time
Time out.
are getting rarer but still happen, he is really good at them though he just sits there until we get him and then will give you a kiss(melt)
FINALLY! he says mama now, took long enough...
RUNS to the door when Daddy gets home and gets super excited
after being sick for months he's finally eating normally again, this is good...very good, he loves any fruit and meat
loves to watch Winnie the it while eating breakfast and says 'pooh' when I forget
as soon as he's done dinner he says 'Baa', he gets very upset when its not bath night. He loves to splash!

Here are a few pictures we've taken the last couple weeks.
 Our attempt to grow a couple flowers inside. 
 Look at those little lips!
 In your face!
 Give it!
 Playing outside.
 Getting annoyed with the paparazzi.