Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Winter in Canada isn't as bad as I remember.
Although I'm pretty sure its been fairly mild so far.
Euan L.O.V.E.S playing in the snow.
Glenn is like a little kid in the morning, when he finds out its snowed overnight.
I just like to kiss Euans rosy cheeks.
In the last picture Euan is doing a lip pucker, he has been obsessed with kissing everything lately.
I don't mind :)
Who wouldn't want to kiss that face!

Monday, 13 February 2012


Happy Valentines Day.
 Don't you just love those eyes!
Those lips!
That luscious mop of wavy hair!
(still not cutting it...)
That little onesie clad bum sticking in the air!
Those baby thighs!

We aren't doing much to celebrate Love day. Euan has been throwing up for about 3 weeks so sticking close to home is where it's at. I would feel bad inflicting puke boy on a babysitter.
So I will live vicariously through all the people I see having romantic dinners and weekends away.
I have my two greatest loves right here with me anyway! 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Head. Shoulders. Knees. Toes.

Euan has a few favourite songs in his arsenal. His favourite has to be Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, followed closely by Itsy Bitsy Spider. When I go get him from his crib in the morning his little hands go straight to his head and he looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to break into song. He knows the actions but doesn't always do all of them. He likes to skip the shoulders and toes, and sometimes eyes. 
Its cute.
 Like melty cute. 
(and toes)
(and nose)

I wasn't quick enough to catch them all but you get the picture.

Friday, 3 February 2012


We had a mini photoshoot the other day.
Sans clothes.
I'm still not used to the new camera so for every good picture I got, there are about 10 out of focus ones.
Maybe its not the camera but the subject.
This little guy is BUSY.
He has his cuddly moments but I'm to busy cuddling to take a picture.
Oh, he gives the best kisses EVER.
Love. Him.