Wednesday, 21 April 2010


I am BORED. So I am sitting at home alone (except for the dog) and I can't find anything to do. Glenn went to a concert and won't be home til late so I am stuck on my own. Needless to say the dog is not a great conversationalist. Its sort of one sided really. So I have resorted to updating my blog. I've realized that I am not a great blogger, but I'm sure anyone who actually reads my occasional blog posts probably isn't expecting much anyway. Lets see what is new.......we've had a pretty good year so far. We had a fabulous Easter week in Cornwall, although the weather didn't really cooperate we made some yummy food. We had a cook off between the the girls and boys and lets just say the girls kicked butt! Good effort boys...good effort :) We had some fun rolling our elaborately decorated eggs down our sand trails, and watched enough period drama to choke a cow. All in all a pretty good week off! Now we are looking forward to our birthdays next month and trying to get everything ready for the little bambino. No one every told me how stressful it is making sure you have everything!! I'm sure the time will come and I will have forgot some essential item. Oh well...........I'm sure the baby won't mind.....hopefully. Anyway, until next time......which I promise won't be months from now......bye!