Sunday, 22 March 2009

Lawn Mower Dog

Not much of an explanation needed really. My dog looks like a lawn mower with legs.
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Sunny Sunday

We went for a walk today with Sandy & Phil-who were visiting for the weekend-to the Clifton Suspension Bridge. This is our family picture with me, Glenn and Ollie. It was a very nice sunny day but a bit windy. Smile Ollie.
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Thursday, 19 March 2009


Yay, spring is here! It was gorgeously warm and sunny on Sunday so me, Glenn, and Ollie went for a walk and took some pictures. We found a patch of cute purple flowers and had to take a pic:) Its been really good weather all week so I'm hoping spring is finally here! Roll on summer!!!!!
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The Invalid

So here is the invalid himself, he is feeling very sorry for himself and I'm sure very humiliated. I personally think his conehead is very stylish. He's feeling a lot better today than yesterday but still a bit sore.
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Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Poor Ollie

So poor Ollie our 7 month old Lhasa Apso puppy was neutered today. There were a few complications so he has stitches all down his tummy. He also has a poorly nose, he has an infection on it and has to be on antibiotics. Needless to say he is not a happy pup! He is currently stretched out on the floor whimpering in his sleep. Here is a picture pre-injuries to show him in his former glory!!
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Well everyone else is.....

So everyone else I know has one of these so I thought, why not me...... we'll see how long I keep up with the updates:)