Monday 14 February 2011

5 Months of Euan

So the boy is now 5 months old and its gone way to fast. 5 MONTHS!!! Who let this happen...seriously...!!!!! So his list of credentials are:
-he can roll over from front to back, hasn't quite mastered going back to front but he's close!
-he can sit up on his own but still likes to face plant occasionally
-eats solids like a fiend, he loooooves food! Hasn't turned his nose up at anything yet but does pull some interesting faces.
-babbles away all day long
-likes to get his own way, he will throw a mini tantrum if I take something away from him that he wasn't quite finished with (can't wait until he's a teenager...)
-giggles, especially when tickled
-pulls the dogs hair, Ollie hasn't learned to keep out of arms reach yet, it might take a few more fistfuls of hair before he gets it...silly pooch
-harbours very strong feelings of love for his jolly jumper
-will fall asleep his crib without being rocked, bounced, fed, jiggled, swung, smooshed, or cuddled...this is a big one for us, he hasn't been very good at it in the past and it's heaven
-goes to bed between 6:30-7pm every night(for the past week anyway...) and doesn't get up until 8am(love it!)
-is cuter than I can bear...
-very smiley, even to strangers....for now
That's all I can't think of for now so on to the pictures!!!!

Happy Valentines Day

Hope everyone has a suitably heart filled day. I'm looking forward to making some delicious chocolate mousse later this evening...mmmmm chocolate. What is Valentines day without chocolate! I don't have any cutesy Valentines pictures, sorry. I do have a couple just normal ones. I can't bring myself to blog without pictures so enjoy!
 Puckering up for a kiss!
 He likes kisses :)
Trying to get a kiss off the dog...ew.

Monday 7 February 2011


 I'm sure I can fit them all in....give me a minute....
 This is what happens when Euan naps...I have fun with his passport photos....don't judge
 Euans best bud....
 Euans other best bud (don't tell the dog)
 Ready for a walk!
Bald is beautiful....